Nudge — Website Redesign

Content Marketing measurement solution that is standard in content measurement and intelligence. I was asked to improve their website to look more clean, modern and professional to attract more potential clients.

Company: Nudge
Role: Web Designer
Platform: Website

Process & experience

We included the client, designer, and developer from day one to achieve the best results possible. The whole team has been remote between Auckland, London, New York and Hawaii. We needed to be on the same page all the time.designedI like to work with talented people who are passionate about what they do, and our team was.

The project was running smoothly, and all things have been designing in mind for future expansion.

We brainstormed our vision, wireframe and prototype user flows and then worked on a style guide to have a strong foundation. The last thing was a user interface, and after that, I worked with a dev to polish designs.

the outcome

Overall we improve the experience and the number of people who share. This was built as a stepping stone for future expansion for our customers so that they can share more effortless than ever.